Patna High Court Takes Cognisance of Bihar Police Dumping Accident Victim’s Body

The Patna High Court has taken suo motu cognisance of a troubling video that circulated on social media, showing three Bihar policemen disposing of a road accident victim’s body in a canal located in Muzaffarpur district. The court expressed profound concern over the actions of the police officers in the video, stating that it was a distressing reflection of societal values.

Chief Justice K Vinod Chandran and Justice Rajiv Roy presided over the bench and stressed the importance of treating lifeless bodies with respect and dignity. They emphasized that although some might view lifeless bodies as disposable, they carry a soul when alive and thus warrant greater reverence in their handling.

The court also referred to the advisory issued by the National Human Rights Commission, which underscores the significance of upholding the dignity and safeguarding the rights of the deceased.

In response, the court directed the state government to furnish information regarding any actions taken against the police officials involved. Additionally, the Director General of Police was instructed to provide a report on the actions taken within a two-week period.

The incident led to the suspension of the three police officers responsible. The case is scheduled for further consideration on October 31.

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