Legal Enquiries

Tell us your issue and take a backseat as we resolve it.

  • Our Lawyers take only 24 hours to respond to your queries on any given business day. Posting a question is free and efficent!.
  • If the matter is more urgent, then book an immediate phone consultation with one of our top lawyers at a small fee of 600 rupees only.

Simple ways to get in touch with us

  • We are available on a variety of platforms: Online chat on our website, Phone calls , .Whatsapp messages, Online forms or an offcial E-mail.
  • Our Contact Number is provided on the website.
  • Our LawScents Case managers are made directly available to you on Whatsapp, Online chat and Online forms.
  • Once you have been allocated a case manager he takes the necessary steps forward to resolving your issue.

Book a Consultation

  • We are a one stop solution that creates a simple route to solving your problems.
  • Our Dedicated Case managers help select and book appointments with the best suited advocate, depending on your area of need.
  • Our LawScents Partner lawyers are availble to you, to help create strategic plans for how to resolve your case.
  • Your appointed case manager keeps you updated on a daily basis about your case.